Crossfade feature on Spotify

syazwan zulk
Jun 20, 2021

I personally have it set on 5–6 seconds.



On Spotify, there is a native feature that allows users to eliminate silence between songs, so your music never actually stops. This feature is called ‘Crossfade’.

The duration of crossfade that you can add to the next song is up to 12 seconds. For example, if you set the duration to the highest amount, your current playing song will transition its last 12 seconds (before it finishes) into the next song.

In order to achieve this, go to your Spotify:

  1. Find Settings.
  2. Select Playback.
  3. Scroll down to Crossfade.
  4. Drag the slider to select the desired crossfade length.
  5. Yell “TIL” out loud.

Tips: You can also turn the feature off, by turning Gapless to green.



syazwan zulk

Hi! This is a collection of content I’ve developed in tandem with a team of talented people. Words are my own, but will happily blame someone else for it.